The Journey Shots - with Xavier
We will travel in this journey called life with Professionals from various domain experts in their field , and try to listen to them as they open up a whole to life of theirs.
9 episodes
Don't be afraid of Silence
Learn to explore the silence in each others company, give it a chance. To hold on to the silence in a conversation one will have to learn the art of letting go. Let go all the thoughts that we have about each other, let go of the judgement we h...
Season 3
Episode 1

Episode 5 - Listen to the person
Hi everyone, today we will speak about listening to the person, I know some of you may say, of course we listen to a person and who else do we listen to. Let me clarify myself. From the time I have started the consulting role in my professional...
Season 2
Episode 5

Episode 4 Listen to the early Morning
The episode is name as Listen – to the early morning. Why morning and why early, Some of you will be in your head like xavier morning is early. I know I know. My question is do we to listen to the early morning acts that we pe...
Season 2
Episode 4

Episode 3 Listen to the Filters
Today we shall speak on the different filters that exist in a conversation. What are these filters that I am trying to speak of, let me give you a little background on why I chose this topic of filters, so it was not so long ago I was listening...
Season 2
Episode 3

Episode 2: Listen to the Energy
Today I would like to share with you regarding the energy in the room , the energy that is there at any given time of the conversation. In the first episode of mine we spoke about the intent of the listener which helps the listeners mind to be ...
Season 2
Episode 2

Episode 1: Intention of the Listener
Listening as a subject in its own is an ocean to talk about, we shall never finish .This series we will speak about a specific area on listening. The podcast will concentrate on the non verbal portion of it. Listen to everything but words. Ther...
Season 2
Episode 1

VERSION OF ME #3 Me in Phases
This episode we will speak of Me in phases – past and Now. in my introductory episode I spoke of two aspects which contribute in the formation of ourselves , 1st the experiences we had in our life and the second A set of belief we form after th...
Season 1
Episode 3

Today I want to share about the moments where we say words which we normally would not say and do things which we normally would not do and have this lump in our throat which we choke upon
Season 1
Episode 2

Sometimes I surprise myself, sure you must have heard the phrase a couple of times now in your life, could be from friends, siblings, parents, relatives or even your neighbor in your daily commute in his or her conversation. I will ...
Season 1
Episode 1